I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone, here is some general IOS Feedback:

Diskutiere, I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone, here is some general IOS Feedback: in iPhone Allgemein forum; I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone 16 Pro Max (and I am a Pixel user since Google Pixel...
  • I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone...
  • #1
I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone 16 Pro Max (and I am a Pixel user since Google Pixel Xl):

- the imprecise cursor is freaking me out, it is sooooo bad

- in German we use ä,ü,ö and I am used to QWERTZ keyboard, Apple offers 'QWERTZ German' by default, which I just can't use, but they have QWERTZ, when you use it, you long press on A and select Ä, U and you get Ü and so on, but this long press takes wayyyyy too long compared to Gboard on Android, so to write fast, e.g. the word "später", I just wanna write spater and then tap the corrected word später from the suggestions (I don't use autocorrection), but the Apple suggestions are so off in my language that I had to install Gboard, also the dictation function is very bad

- why can't I disable that my phone lightens up for a notification, I don't like that and you can only disable the notification on the whole lock screen for the app, which I don't want

- the return gesture is not available in every app, so sometimes you just have to restart an app to get back to a certain point

- current calls are kidnapping your lock screen, and you cannot turn it off (at least not for WhatsApp)

- why is there no differentiation for the volumes (media, calls, notification, alarms)?! AND if I am in silent mode I don't have game sound, only with AirPods, but if I disable silent mode, I cannot disable certain sounds like the screenshot sound and others

- why is the always on display so bright?!

- the camera button is cool, but yes, just as a shortcut so that you can put another shortcut on the action button, it is a less smart action button 2.0, and I like that, but another button would be too much @Apple 2025

- the battery percentage is not accurate, it is made to fake faster charging (but I kinda like that)

I COULD LITERALLY CONTINUE THIS LIST FOREVER, but then they have features like locked charging to a certain percentage (whytf does Google not offer this), ear scanning for better AirPod sound, best video (I am a Pixel user since OG Pixel and while I love the photos and prefer them over Apple, video to this day is still bad, because of digital fragments that sometimes just randomly appear), to sum up, I don't understand IOS, it is pretty bad, but also pretty pretty since IOS 18, but the hardware of the phone is balancing this




Folgende Anleitungen sind nützlich und könnten dir bei der Bewältigung des Problems helfen:
  • I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone...
  • #2
Hello nniitchh,

Your detailed observations and points of critique are very helpful, and I also hope that Apple listens to its customers’ feedback to continue improving usability and functionality.

It’s crucial for users like you to keep providing direct feedback to Apple and discussing these issues here in the forums to find solutions and possible improvements.

I’d like to warmly encourage you to share your experiences and feedback directly with Apple as well. Here’s the relevant page I found for you:

> Feedback - Apple.com Website - Apple

Best regards!
  • I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone...
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du bist hier in der deutschen Community. Um die Kommunikation effizient zu gestalten, möchten wir dich bitten, hier in Deutsch zu posten. Solltest du sprachliche Probleme haben, benutze eine Übersetzungshilfe wie DeepL oder Google/Apple Translate. Solltest du lieber in Englisch posten wollen, bitten wir dich, in die englische Community zu wechseln.

LG, Dutchman
  • I switched from Google Pixel to the iPhone...
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Thank you for participating in the Apple Support Community. If you speak English, we also have an English Community. Please feel free to join and ask a question!
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